


December 23, 2020

A Runner At The Marathon Project Tested Positive For Covid-19 After The Race

Two others were forced to withdraw before the race after testing positive as the event had strict pre-race testing requirements.
May 19, 2020

A Virtual Race With Prize Money - Welcome To The Brooklyn Mile Where The Prize Money is Age Graded and Based on VDOT Scores

You run anytime between June 19-21. Anyone recording a VDOT score of 8, 9 or 10 will get paid. 100% of the $15 entry fee goes to prize money (20%) or charity (80%).
May 14, 2020

RRW: How Various People Are Performing Runing-Related Jobs From Home During Coronavirus Crisis

Many people like agent Brendan Reilly, coach Greg McMillan and jewelry designer Erica Sara were already working from home.
March 23, 2020

Update: Visitor with COVID-19 Continues to Recover, His Fever Is Gone

Good news as "justthefacts" condition continued to improve over the weekend and his fever is gone.
March 20, 2020

What's it Like For a Runner To Have COVID-19? A Visitor Shares His Story of Being Infected With Coronavirus

A long-term visitor to wants to share his story of what it is like to have Covid-19.