The Best Running Thing On Twitter Today – NCAA XC Coaches As NBA Coaches

By Robert Johnson
April 20, 2022

Former Stanford runner Steven Fahy, who won the 2019 NCAA steeplechase title and now runs for the Puma team in North Carolina, hasn’t raced since 2020 so he’s got some extra time on his hands and he’s putting it to some good use. Maybe he’s extra creative as it’s 4/20 after all but he created a thread on Twitter tonight where he compared NCAA cross country coaches to NBA coaches and it’s absolute gold. The amount of doppelgangers that he found is amazing.


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Naturally, many people on Twitter loved the thread and added in their additions. Fellow pro runner Sam Parsons of Tinman Elite had two clever additions.

Which comparison is your favorite? Tell us on our world-famous messageboard: MB: NCAA XC Coaches As NBA Coaches (Pics) – A Twitter Thread By Steven Fahy (ABSOLUTELY BRILLIANT) .

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