Patrick Makau’s Knee Pain Is Being Caused by Back Problems Says Dr. to the Stars, Full Return Expected

by: Davor Savija, International Athletics Consultancy
October 3, 2013

Patrick Makau of Kenya, former marathon World record holder and current World record holder over 30 kilometers, has visited yesterday highly authoritative Dr. Müller-Wohlfahrt, who is a team doctor of German National football (soccer) team and Bayern Munich Football Club and who has medically treated sports injuries of many global super-stars, including Ronaldo, Usain Bolt, Haile Gebrselassie and Paula Radcliffe.

On behalf of Mr. Makau, his IAAF Authorized Athletes’ Representative, Mr.  Zane Branson, and all of us at International Athletics Consultancy, I would like to express our gratitude to Dr. Müller-Wohlfahrt and to BMW Berlin Marathon’s Mr. Rene Hiepen and Mr. Mark Milde and to Mr. Spencer Nel from adidas, who were all more than kind and helpful in securing an appointment with Dr. Müller-Wohlfahrt on such a short notice.

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We are happy to report that Patrick has no structural damage in his left knee and it has been concluded that he is suffering from back problems which are manifesting themselves, through kinetic chain, in his left leg.

Our team is working on securing a 7-day stay in Munich for Patrick during month of October, as Dr. Müller-Wohlfahrt is of an opinion that intensive therapy is needed in order to address underlying issues and in order to have Patrick racing and competing stronger than ever before.

We would also like to report that it is now believed that weakness Patrick mentioned immediately after 2013 Virgin London Marathon was not due to an “off-day”, but rather due to the very same back problems which caused loss of strength in Patrick’s left leg.

Patrick is to continue with his easy running and he is advised to up his training to 60-70% level, which is to increase to full capacity level once therapy is administered.

On behalf of Patrick and all of us at the IAC, many thanks to fans, adidas, numerous event organizers and media for their concern and support.

Former World Record Holder Patrick Makau Former World Record Holder Patrick Makau

Davor Savija
Manager, Special Projects
for International Athletics Consultancy

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For more information about Patrick Makau, please visit:

IAAF Patrick Makau Musyoki page

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