Welcome runner2913, you have 40 points and are in 372nd out of 1588 in the King of the Distance Competition
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Your PUXC scores are at bottom of this page
Top 30 Below
(1) cbarry1854
(2) Chis153
(3) statgeek52
(4) crazedrunner6451
(4) daviea651
(6) TFeuer50
(6) mDxC50
(6) CoRunningGuy50
(6) Bearxc250
(6) Blowing Rock Master50
(6) RDavies64350
(6) Tbt174150
(13) John Wesley Harding49
(13) SammyBerman49
(13) alexsimko49
(13) WillHarrison49
(13) mlally9349
(18) neilemartin48
(18) NeBraska48
(18) Kippy48
(18) CanadianRUnner12348
(18) slaychuck48
(18) Sasbuxc48
(18) runner2life48
(18) the walrus48
(18) runashland6848
(18) thegripper0748
(18) mandrews1848
(18) Tom Dunlavy48
(18) Katielr3148

If you are not in a group or in a wrong group click here to change it.

PUXC   Results
You are in 1st place in group PUXC in the King of the Distance competition
(1) runner291340
(2) boulderaverage33
(3) thomas22d2230

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Click here to view your overall scores (not king of distance)